High Cholesterol / Dyslipidemia

What is High Cholesterol / Dyslipidemia?

High cholesterol, or dyslipidemia, is a condition characterized by abnormal levels of lipids (fats) in the blood, primarily cholesterol and triglycerides. High cholesterol can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, as it can lead to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, potentially causing heart attacks or strokes. Managing cholesterol levels is essential for maintaining heart health and preventing complications.

Schedule an appointment with our Nutritionist today to learn how we can help you.

High cholesterol _ dyslipidemia

Causes of High Cholesterol / Dyslipidemia

High cholesterol can result from various factors, including genetics, diet, low or excessive physical activity, and certain medical conditions like diabetes or thyroid disorders. Diets high in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol, along with lifestyle factors such as smoking can contribute to elevated lipid levels.

Symptoms of High Cholesterol / Dyslipidemia

High cholesterol itself does not typically cause symptoms, which is why regular blood tests are essential for detection. If left unmanaged, high cholesterol can lead to complications, such as heart disease or stroke, which may present with chest pain, shortness of breath, or other cardiovascular symptoms.

How Our Dietitian Can Help

Our dietitian offers science-based nutritional guidance to help manage and reduce high cholesterol. Through personalized nutrition plans, we focus on balancing fats and mindful eating practices to improve lipid levels and overall health. We also emphasize a sustainable, body-positive approach that promotes long-term lifestyle changes. For more information, visit our How We Treat page to learn about our comprehensive approach to managing high cholesterol and dyslipidemia.

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