Adaptive Equipment

Adaptive Equipment

Our occupational therapist provides guidance and education on adaptive equipment to help children enhance their functional abilities. The goal of adaptive equipment is to promote participation in daily activities, which are central to a child’s sense of purpose and well-being. These daily activities, or “occupations,” encompass key tasks that children regularly engage in, such as:

  • Getting dressed
  • Tying shoelaces
  • Moving around the school or home environment
  • Playing on the playground
  • Eating

By using adaptive equipment, children can achieve greater participation, empowerment, and overall well-being. This equipment serves as a compensatory tool, helping children overcome challenges. Adaptive aids offer immediate, lasting improvements in function and can be used for children of all ages and abilities.

Adaptive Equipment

Cognitive Orientation

Common Adaptive Equipment in Pediatric Occupational Therapy

  • Adaptive cutlery
  • Adaptive pens
  • Writing boards
  • Adaptive cutlery
  • Dressing aids

This is not an exhaustive list, but it highlights the most commonly used tools in therapy. Our occupational therapist will provide tailored recommendations based on the child’s specific goals.

In summary, our occupational therapist offers support and advice on adaptive equipment to enhance a child’s functional abilities. These aids allow children to engage in their daily activities more independently, providing modified tools that facilitate their participation in meaningful tasks.

Request an appointment to support
your child’s functional skills and daily living abilities.

Our Pediatric Physiotherapy center in Abu Dhabi, UAE is dedicated to enhancing motor skills, sensory processing, and
overall independence, empowering your child to engage more confidently and effectively in everyday activities!

Schedule a consultation with Perfect Balance Pediatric Physiotherapy today and
take the first step toward a more independent and fulfilling life for your child

  1. Request an Appointment
  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan
  3. A joint effort to make progress
  4. Work towards easier communication
Next Steps

Unlock your child’s path to confident and independent living skills!

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